

Another Blog

Click here to see another blog that some of us have been contributing to- http://pumliconni.blogspot.com/

Nell- tell Emily she can't read it.

But Ian, don' you remember? Parents' Rule #9 starts off like this: "Anything you tell your child NOT to do..." Now you've done it!
Ian - you've been contributing to this?
While I am not 100% sure, I believe this "other blog" is a mock-tribute site. I wouldn't be surprised if Spinal Tap is behind it, or members of Guido the Cartesian...
Uh oh Ian, you've managed to offend Kim....
Nell- Joe has a potty mouth
Yes, I am very offended.
Kim- just curious, offended by making light of…:

a) White Supremacy?
b) Pedophilia?
c) Naughty bits?
d) Physical Deformity?
e) Mental illness?
f) Joe?
You can remove your posts? Who's willie? and why did s/he remove his/er post?

Gosh, you're away from planet blog for a day or two and you miss everything.
Ian: F.
Joe. I love Joe. Don't make fun of him.
In a:
a. platonic way
b. to flatter him ,so he'll continue to be the blog-lackey or discount his fees to MIX your next CD
c. as a crush
d. as a dog-lover, b/c of his puppy dog eyes.
e. b/c he's paisan too
Hmmm. Well, the first answer that came to my mind was, "wouldn't YOU like to know?" but that, like "shut up" are phrases that are frighteningly high school that are creeping back into my verbiage. It's scary. So I won't say that. I will say it's ....
I'd like to go on record and say that I love Joe, too. And not just because he mixed some fabulous CDs for the picnic. Even though he did.
... y'all are embarrassing me...and making my wife really suspicious ... where's Ian with the cutting abuse when you need it?....
Your wife reads this crap? Man. My husband doesn't read it, but I sometimes provide him and the kids with thrilling updates as to whatever I find entertaining at the moment. This week, I said, "well, things seem to have died down a little in Tabishland," and he said, "well, they couldn't have gotten more lively."
I'll fill in till Ian gets here.

"Aawwwhhh, shut up, younz guys and leave Joe alone. Hey Joe, they're jus' being smack-offs. Let's ditch 'em and heard dawhn to Sheetz and get some Slim Jims, huh?"

To make this more family friendly for Joe, I'll mention that Jane's visiting, talking about starting a goat cheese business (!) w/ my wife and noted at dinner that "CE is the coolest and Miranda was the prettiest baby."

Kim, I need to meet your spouse. I like his cynical take on this nonsense. He's like the Greek chorus/disembodied Carlton the doorman element. In fact, henceforth he's Karlton.

Word verification involed the feared triple "f" pattern...uh-oh...
He will be thrilled. I'll let him know.
God no! She's leery of anything that involves any combination of Ian, Chip and me. She loves those guys but thinks we bring out the idiot in each other. Which is probably true.

She doesn't have to read it - she senses things....

ooohhh, my word verification is "axbowx"
Did anyone ever notice the size of Joe's head? I'm not speaking metaphorically, I'm speaking literally- it's a big head.

"Sometimes I think his head is so big, because it's so full of Bream"- a quote from The Eelephant Man II: Fishy Friends

But seriously, it's real big.

-cuttingly yours, Ian (I wonder what spell-checky would make with "cuttingly"?)
Joe, now is the time to post the sock puppet photo
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