

quote help

Anyone know where this quote is from?:
"You can judge a culture by the way it treats its women."

Or something like that. I Googled it and got a Rastafarian website and a link to a website about deserts and patriarchy.


No. But I've been looking for the source for something like "the kingdom's in jeopardy when the dogs are starving at the gate"????

My other existential fave, "the dogs bark, the caravan rolls on"
I googled your quote, Joe, and got Tabishland.
Does it count that I've heard the quote? I'm not certain where though. It could even have been from either you or Ian, I'm not sure.

I can't find the source and I've checked my book of quotations and a couple websites, other than T-land of course. I have one other place to try.
Ha! I found it! James Mill, 1840. Reference here. Scroll down to "II. The Theories That Bind", paragraph 2.

I love a challenge!
Good Gawd Nell, you are brilliant!
Good Gawd Nell, you are brilliant!
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