

I've Been to More Than a Couple of These Towns!

And so have YOU! ...not that we need to know where the singles are or anything...

Yeah, it seems to me I met a lot of guys when I lived in Indiana, but...somehow, things were different then.

What is that a picture of? You'd think they'd use the old court house or something.
I was wondierng the same thing. Is that the old Brody's store at 7th & Philly?? I know it's been remodeled a few times since 1983.

It was interesting that 24 of the 25 places are college towns. I would think a population would skew young and single in college towns, especially when the college population is equal or larger than the local population. (stats 101)
My wife went to school in Durham NH; not to be confused with Derm, NC, home to Dook U.
It's the Book Nook corner, guys!!!! See the Luxembourg's sign on the left.

And the coed on the sidewalk is Geoff's fiance.
The Book Nook corner?? I thought that was at 8th & Philly???

So, I recognize the Luxembourgs sign. That puts this across 7th street from the old Brody's building. Right?

I can't for the life of me remember what was there back in 79.
It IS the corner of 7th & Philly--across Philly from the 700 shop and across 7th from the old Brody's. There used to be a card shop there whose name escapes me at the present. It's now occupied by, of all things, Gatti's Pharmacy/Gift Shop/Cafe--no longer owned by anyone w/ the last name of Gatti incidentally.
Geez. It was a card store back in our HS days.

I used to work for Gatti's back then. Stocking shelves - delivering drugs and hospital supplies - sweeping, washing, vacuuming and such. A decent high school job.
Of course, when I worked at Gatti's it was at the corner of 9th & Philly.
Yeah me too. The good ole days. Or something.
I'm not sure what the Chapel Hill photo represents. Maybe the back porch culture of the New South/James Taylor vibe?

Maybe Emily will tell us someday.
Ah, we can only hope Tim, we can only hope!
Was it Hall's
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