

Downtown Indiana

Since we're thinking back to downtown Indiana, here's a question: what's your favorite downtown business that's not there anymore? And why?

My fave place was the Hobby Bowl. A place to buy good trains in town.

I think Ian's favorite place was Blatt's Hardware. That old guy kept giving him the eye in there...
Wait! Maybe that was the same guy that used to eye up Tim too.

My favorite place was The End Result. They had great gift-y stuff there.
It's weird....I hate clothes shopping, but one of my best downtown Indiana memories was "the cubbyhole" at Brody's. It had a cool, kinda hippie feel to it, and yet it seemed sort of sophisiticated. How did they pull THAT off, I wonder.
The cadaveric guy at Blatt's creeped me out.

I got a sweet pinstripe 3-piece at the 700 Shop. I'm wearing in the Holiday Dance photo in Lisa's website. But the tie selection sucked.
There was an ice-cream place near White's Variety on Philadelphia Street--only place in the world I ever had "Teaberry" ice cream. Really good. But it became an insurance place by the late 70s. That was memorable, if not "favorite." I also liked the old Newstand on Phila near 7th for baseball cards.
The Meadows features Teaberry ice cream once a month. Actually, I think it's today's flavor. It IS delicious!
My first job EVER besides babysitting was at Winky's. Anybody remember that awful place across from PT:Penn Traffic on Wayne Ave?

But my first college job was at The Village Store on Philly Street. I sold Tammy Vitale her Miss IUP dress. I then moved to the Florshiem Shoe Store, then to Subs & Duds followed by Poor Carls. Yep my college financials centered on Philadelphia Street. I never worked at the Coney, though I really wanted to.

Nell, I also loved The End Result. Janine ended up with all my curvy silver jewlery, but I still have some things from there.

But my favorite place was the Corner Store. Sherry and I would buy pressed fruit rollups and port wine cheese after school before choir practice at Greystone.

Sorry y'all I just had to take that trip down memory lane...
And someone has to say Bruno's. I still try to go there every time I'm in Indiana and order the same thing: spaghetti with meat sauce preceded by a salad with "red blue cheese" dressing. Management has changed several times, but the food tastes the same and the decor is identical, as far as I can recall...the plastic grapes in the wine cellar still gathering dust kicked up during the wild post-Thurber party.
The End Result, I remember that along with a lot of the other stores mentioned. What a hoot! But I also remember the rumor in Jr. High was that they peed in the cole slaw at Winky's, so I hope that wasn't you, Bin.

I went to Brunos a few years ago, I have to say I didn't enjoy it so much...it was not like I remembered it. Ah, well. I guess some things have to change.
Kim: and your comment about Bruno's is more apt than mine, considering that the question has to do with businesses that AREN'T around anymore!
There was a pinball place on the ne corner of Philadelphia and 11th street that had the last nickel pinball machine in town- buckaroo or something like that.

And what about the Record Shop? It sucked, but it was better than buying your LPs st GC Murphys
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