

Fun with Shakespeare

We met in Ellicott City. I made Nell, Tim, Kim, Jane and Kurt come to my office and watch me work. Next month I'm hoping to have Joe Pino and Jeff Magee come watch me order water from deer park

the thought balloon above Tim should read "this is bad, very, very bad" Meanwhile Kim is thinking "damn, I wish I could remember which one this 'Ian' was"

There's no free lunch around here. I asked them all to pitch in with strike. In return, I gave them each an 8% discount on CSC t-shirts.

The play was just terrific. Ian did a great job. AND, I think all of us agree the trip was worth it for the cool t-shirts alone.

I love that Ian took a picture of us without our knowing it. Really takes away our ability to ham it up for the camera. You can see how serious and studious we are in everyday life.
That and the fact that we had already hammed it up by clapping for ourselves and all. Well, all of us except for TIM.

The show was most enjoyable. Thanks for having us Ian.
I had a lovely time. ECity was neat.
The play and the venue were thoroughly enjoyable. The company was superb.

Everyone has there upper extremities forward either b/c, 1. it brings ones center of gravity forward against the slope or 2. Tabish drilled that into us.
I am loving seeing these pics. You know I wanted to be there with y'all. Now who wants to come to Tally? I will give you free tee shirts too. My show opens tomorrow, if the review is good I will share it, otherwise, mum's da word.
Thanks for the motivation, Ian! I'd rather see a play but the deer park thing sounds like something any Indiana County boy would go for.

Meanwhile, here's a related thought for the day I saw on a bumper sticker quoting one of my all-time heroes:

"Take your kids hunting so you don't have to hunt for your kids."
--Ted Nugent.
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