

Shakespeare 24 Hours a day!

I'm in week 7 of my 11 weeks of mounting two Shakespeare plays. My day starts at 7:00 am when I answer emails with questions about Shakespeare. Throughout the day, I spend the whole time working out Shakespeare and trying to answer 1, 001 questions about Shakespeare from our company of about 100 (most of which know much more about Shakespeare than I do). My day ends at about from 11:30 pm when I drive home after the numerous questions about Shakespeare that follow rehearsals. Here's the thing- I don't really know that much about Shakespeare.

I get Friday evenings off so I am coming up for air long enough to tell you my favorite new joke that my daughter tells:

"Two hot dogs are on the grill. One hot dog says to the other hot dog- "Boy, it sure is hot here on the grill." The second hot dog says "Oh no!!! It's a talking hot dog!!!!"

It's a great joke, Ian!!!!
In the Elizabethan print of "Twelfth Night," A.L. Rouse edition, verso 47, recto 53a, does Malvolio say "sounds" or "zounds" and how does that bear on Ophelia's inability to see that Lear's ego blinds him to his daughter's love? Discuss.

(I just gave my last final exam, so the bad-question format comes easily, and, with the help of a cask of wine, the summer--a busy one, but still summer--is at last coming into view. Actually, Ian, I think many would envy your 24/7 Shakesperience.)
I'm headed off for the After Prom, trying to keep the teens alive. How would Shakespeare cheer me up and keep me going?
You mean, WWSD?

That's the All-Shakespeare network, right?

Was that on the AM or FM dial?
Shakespeare might have you imagine you could chop off the hands and tongue of an offending teenager (Titus Andronicus) or, you can always take satisfaction that rebellious teenagers who think they can do whatever they want will end up killing themselves (Romeo and Juliet).
See, Ian? You do have a Shakespeare answer for everything. Apparently, you just can't stop yourself.

"WWSD" refers to those teen-agers who used to wear bracelets that said "WWJD" meaning "What Would Jesus Do?" encouraging others to be Christ-like. I was trying to keep up with Nell's Prom theme. Sorta.
You guys are a hoot!

I can see "sumer a'comin' in!" too! Buffett is playing on my computer and we're heading to Butler to look at Hobie Cats!

Have a great weekend! Happy Mother's Day!
Ian, I like the chopping off of hands idea. The R&J thing maybe not so much. Teens sure can turn on the attitude. We all made it through and this one's in the history books.
So I'm looking for directions to what turns out to be the "Patapsco Female Institute" and it occurs to me that you're overthinking the Shakespeare thing, Ian. It seems so artistically self-evident.

"As You Like It" or any play Bard play really, set in a women's prison ala Tarantino. Throw in some Star Trek allusions, like the one where Spock has to return to Vulcan to mate, use some Tull for the music interludes. Easy. A sure hit. And you'll get home by 9 pm b/c the thing will pretty much do itself.

Think WWFPWD: What Would the Female Prison Warden Do?
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