

For: Julianne

Didn't you mention this place once? Looks like we won't be having Tabfest III/'08 there after attending The Lost Colony and seeing the men in loincloths....

Thanks for asking, Tim! Yes, this is where Richard and I were married last summer. We are all so sad...

I have visited this location for many, many years. I can remember sitting in the rocking chairs on the back deck while on a date in 1981 (age 18).The Lone Cedar has had several different owners over the years, but the Basnights have really made it a popular place for the locals.

Marc Basnight was responsible for building the road to Hatteras Island through the ocean in three months when Hurricane Isabel created a breach across the OBX several years ago. I know that he and his wonderful family will come through this tragedy triumphantly! He is predicting having the new restaurant opened by August!!!!

Maybe we can all meet there in 2008!
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