


Funny how your hometown can have a different look when someone else does the describing. Thought I'd pass this along from today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Click on the title to go to the link.

Of course there is a question here. Just who is broadcast personality Nick Clooney? I've never heard of him. Is he local from WCCS or WDAD? Nell....HELP!

Nick Clooney hast hosted intros on AMC. He's George's dad.
And Rosemary's brother!!!!
He was the AMC movie host for a long time...when they really showed American Movie Classics!
My memory of high school was that the whole Jimmy Stewart thing was pretty much a big eye-rolling affair, but maybe that was just cynical me. At that point we had Jimmy Stewart Airport and that was it - no boulevard or statue or museum. I mean, everyone needs their claim to fame, I guess, and maybe it's better than the whole "Christmas Tree Capital of the World" thing (which was totally made up), but still.
Ohhhh, I see.

So, when did the Clooney's live in Indiana? And what year did George graduate from IASH? Was that 77 or 78? I don't recall seeing him in the halls.

Here in Morgantown we have a couple movie/TV celebs. Don Knotts grew up here. He graduated from Morgantown High in 1946 and got a WVU degree in 50 or 51. Before he passed on, he frequently returned to visit friends and attend high school reunions. I can't say that Jimmy Stewart did the same. I think he returned to Indiana each Leap Year, or something infrequently like that.

The other Morgantown celebrity is David Selby.

Yup - - Dark Shadows and Falcon Crest - - that's him. He grew up just down the block from where Cheryl and I live. We usually see him each summer when he came home to visit his Dad. Unfortunately, this spring he has been busy cleaning out the house after his father passed away last fall. Super nice guy.

Another guy grew up here that is kinda famous. Lawrence Kasden made his mark on the other side of the camera with wrting and directing credits.

And in case yunz wonder, I did not meet Don Knotts.
George Clooney graduated from IAHS in 1978. His given name, actually, is Lee Montgomery. George Clooney is a stage name.
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