

Concert update

It's that time of year, fellow performers!!!! How can we send you happy thoughts and prayers during your end of year performances and concerts? I have survived my first spring 2007 school concert (Horace Mann... Tuesday). We began the retirement celebration of Mrs. Loletta Rupe with an original composition featuring her poetry. This Saturday I'm playing cello in a Mozart piano quartet at IUP...a memorial concert for Delight Malitsky. When are your gigs scheduled?

Um, Julianne- is it possible I had Mrs. Rupe for 5th Grade back in 1972?
As a matter of fact, Ian, she remembers you! Your name came up in a conversation in the faculty room right after I started to blog with y'all!
You're kidding! wow. I remember her very well. I was straight off the boat from Los Angeles and trying to learn the new language and culture.

I thought she looked like Cher.

I don't know why I thought she looked like Cher, she probably didn't- but she was terrific.

Please send along my congratulations (as well as my gratitude)- I'm forever grateful to any teacher who had the patience to put up with me and actually try to teach me!
Oh jeez- by the way- my first experience with Shakespeare was in Mrs. Rupe's 5th grade class- it's a story I tell- she directed us in a very condensed version of Macbeth. Fred Kunkle played Macbeth, Frank Shaffer played Macduff and I played Banquo. I loved it because I got to be a ghost!!! We auditioned in front of the whole class and they voted on who got to play what.

So, wow. Can you send me her email? I would love to send her a personal note.
Ian, she is going to be thrilled with your comments. She remembered you very fondly! I will email you her contact info right now!
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