

Strip Generator Assistance

I tried to get permission to place Tabishland Comics on stuff, but it was denied-- However, if you business-types would like to help out the folks who run the Strip Generator, please read their email reply to me:

Hello Liza

Thanks for the flattering words. We love stripgen as well and since you are a fan too, we will give you a hint that new version is coming soon. I would say stay tuned for next 2 weeks. ;)

Regarding coffie mugs and characters. We do believe that you would not make a profit out of it if you say so, but unfortunately we are in general very conservative when it comes to "free" give aways of our design. But! We are thinking about selling goods like these too, with stripgenerator logos and designs on it without any profit, just to enlarge community. Right now we are looking for partners in USA and EU (covering both for that matter) so you are more than welcome to give us any directions regarding that (design ideas, ideas in general, reselling and distribution ideas and so on) or, eventually, even buy this stuff.

and of course, continue to be a stripgenerator user and please, feel free to spread the word about it!

Andraz Logar
CEO / 3d animator


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Diese Mail ist nur für ihren Empfänger gedacht und darf ohne ausdrückliche schriftliche Genehmigung von ThirdFrameStudios weder weitergeleitet noch in irgendeiner Form (auch nicht auszugsweise) veröffentlicht werden.
My friends use the Strip Generator for funny comics - we love it! Would it be ok for us to put the strips we make on mugs and shirts and such - not to sell and make money, but just for ourselves to enjoy:


Thanks for your time and efforts,

Liza I think you might have an entrepreneur inside waiting to get out!
There's a strip maker on ImageGenerator.org
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