

"Oh! Win Temerity!"

Did we do this already? I apologize if we did. I even started to look through old posts and realized I don't have time for that (there are a LOT of posts, folks.)

So....a word toy for your enjoyment. Prizes for anyone who can guess the anagram of the title of this post.

Just home from dinner, checked in to see a new thread posted. It's our own McWeinery! (My mind is clear cause I didn't imbibe.)
ACTUALLY, Nell, if you put in "McWeinery" you get "Wine Mercy"
My twit heroine?

Btw, I only just recently got the McWeinery allusion, given that I don't watch much TV. My wife is pleased that that it's made the name "Meredith" popular.

Gotta go. Off to the bars to hookup with a hot surgery resident. Oh wait, I'm oncall. Nevermind.

Nell, you're gonna miss the bonfires tommorrow....
It's killing me not to be there, Tim-not to mention my husband, the Pyro. Throw on extra Pampas and toast some marshmallows for us.
I've never gotten "McWeinery," I always just thought it was funny. What does it refer to?

And, you can't get a name back by putting the words in, you just get more anagrams. But Nell had the right person, anyway.
Guess which high-ranking adminstration official anagrams to "He grew bogus"?
The bogus one's defense secretary:
"Muddler of Lands"
Jr's Dad (all four names):

'Huge berserk rebel warthog.'

And the prez HE VP'd for:

'An oral danger'
Thank you Jeff. Worthy of printing and reading to the fam.
McWeinery is a take-off on "McDreamy" which is the nickname given to Patrick Dempsey's character Dr. Derek Shepard on "Grey's Anatomy". He's a good-looking, lady's man. Every teen girl in America is in love with him, I swear. He is the subject of many IM discussions originating from our computer.
Oh, I don't watch that show. Okay, thanks. Well, that's him, certainly. Dreamy ladies man. Good call, Nell.
Anagramming United States of America makes me want to sing with Mellencamp, "I do believe there's a dream for everyone, / This is our country":

'Dine out, taste a Mac, fries.'
Can I bring that story completely full circle? Heidi dated Patrick Dempsey a couple of times in college.

So- there is no randomness in Tabishland. It is a world where eveything is in some sort of order.

What do the English call the day after Guy Fawkes Day? Wrestling Day? Happy Wrestling Day everyone!
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