

The Perfect Thanksgiving Meal

I'm planning my Thanksgiving meal and this year, instead of making all my usual dishes I'd like to try something different. I'd like to make side dishes where the vegetables are showcased for their flavors and not masked by creams, sauces, and the like. I thought that this way the veggies would have lots of great taste without lots of heavy calories. So, if anyone would care to share any recipes or suggestions, here's your chance.

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At big "harvest food" meals, I often make a Northern Italian green bean dish that usually goes very well. It calls for anchovies- so if people can't bare them, you're out of luck.

cook about a pound of green beans in hot water. (hericot verts will work too)- don't over-cook them! When they've made the transition from stiff, submurge them in ice water so they don't continue to cook themselves. But, don't leave them in the ice. In a large skillet, saute two cloves of garlic in 4 tbs olive oil + 4 tbs butter (yeah, that's the fun part). Then, add an anchovy filet or two. The anchovy will dissolve pretty quickly. Then, at the end, add about 1/4 cup chopped flat parsley (if you use the curly stuff, it'll be too strong) add the beans enouch to warm them and coat them (about 60-120 seconds). Serve warm.

Big hit. If you don't tell people there are anchovies, they usually love it.
For the second year in a row, we're having Peking Duck for Thanksgiving.

By the way, I also know a recipe for sauted Asperagus that is so much better than just cooking them in water.
Peking Duck for Thanksgiving. Hmmm....would this be due to a visit from the Bumpus' dogs?

Cheryl and I are working through the Thanksgiving menu. We are hosting this yaer, so we will be cooking for about 21 people.

I'd just leave the anchovies out!! It sounds great. Being vegetarian at Thanksgiving is always interesting for us - not because we can't find good things to eat, but because it appears that the holiday really IS about the stupid cooked turkey for so many people. We have people ask HOW we celebrate Thanksgiving, as though it's simply not possible. It gets irritating after a few years.

Sorry. Just a little venting. Ian, let's have that asparagus recipe. I'll give this some thought, too, Nell.
Yes, I'd like that asparagus recipe, too. The beans sound delicious and we don't have a problem w/ anchovies. (Still sorry 'bout that Kim.)

Kim, have you, or anyone else, ever tried Tofurkey? It sounds interesting and I wouldn't mind trying it, but I'm not sure if it's worthwhile.

I always make a fresh cranberry relish with oranges that is refreshing and so much better than the canned stuff. I'm thinking of creating some kind of carrot dish with orange juice/peel, nutmeg and black pepper.
Oooh, careful there Nell. You'll be on the Food Channel next with these kind of experiments.
Me? No, not me. I love cooking and baking, and I can turn out some delicious food but I am way, WAY too much of a mess in the kitchen. I multi-task well and it shows! This weekend I'm thinking of trying out some new Xmas cookie recipes.
Cheryl made something really cool from a Lewis & Clark cookbook a couple of years ago. She's in Chicago until tomorrow evening. When she gets back I'll have to prompt her on a few dishes. I know she found some neat stuff for the upcoming feasting.
I tried Tofurkey a few years ago and it was pretty bad. I've heard it's improved, but last year we went out to eat so who knows?

For the years when we cook for Thanksgiving, we have mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy, stuffing (made with butter instead of stock), traditional veggies, a pasta dish, fresh cranberry sauce, just lots and lots of food. Karl's big into making pumpkin pie from scratch with fresh whipped cream.

Man, I'm hungry!

But ultimately, the holiday for me really is about giving thanks, and I find I focus on that a lot.
Our Thanksgiving Dinner will be low-fat/fat-free due to the committment Richard made to himself after heart surgery. I have a great recipe for sweet potatoes with apples and pecans that is completely fat-free...no creams or sauce. I'm at his house right now, but I'll post it when I get home on Sunday.

We do have so much for which to be thankful...
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