

If you happen to be in Siler City on Nov. 4

For the last several years Meredith and I have burned brushpiles from the summer as part of a faux Guy Fawkes celebration. Residents and colleagues stop by to drink beer, burn trash, shoot off real fireworks (from SC) and participate in the wanna-be redneck insanity. After nearly burning up the county last year, my Chairman, a nationally-recognized burn surgeon, refuses to attend anymore.

If the weather is anything short of a huricaine, we plan to start in the early evening of SATURDAY Nov. 4. Check out the link and drop by if you're in the area.

I would love to be there Tim. Unfortunately, C'est impossible!! Maybe next year.
We'll try to do it every year around Nov. 5th, unless the municipal authorities catch on. Standing invitation to all SENDRACS alums.
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