

High School Homecoming - WV style

Morgantown High School had their homecoming this past weekend and Ed was pretty excited. He and Brynne enjoyed the festivities, even while he suffered through the total agony of wearing a tie AND having the top button buttoned on his dress shirt. Somehow, the world did not end and he actually had a great time.

The photos came from Brynne's parents, so we don't really know why this photo was taken. But it is damn funny.

It is indeed damn funny!
This young man is very tall, indeed! I don't remember you being that tall!

It looks like they had a fun time!
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Ed is my step-son. In some ways, I need a step-ladder to talk to him. He is 6'3", while his 20-year-old brother is 6'6". I top out at 5'8" max. They are both fine boys and we get along great, just so long as they keep the CD collection in order.

And no, they do not call me 'Shorty'.
There is something weird about viewing WV as some far away kingdom 'way down South (that's the way it seems from here in Indiana) and then coming to grips with my reality...

After my two-hour weekend commute to the "Southern Laird-Workman Estate" in Markleysburg, PA, (from the "Northern Laird-Workman Estate" in Indiana) Richard and I make frequent jaunts into Morgantown. In fact, we plan to hit the new Sam's Club this weekend. Isn't our newly-married, see-each-other-on-the-weekends lifestyle exciting?

Thus, another connection between Sendracians...along the 119 corridor.
I have four step-kids! Josh Brown is tall like his dad...he's an el. ed major at IUP, and Amanda Brown is at the Vo-Tech in Cosmo. I was with them for six years, and I love 'em like they are my own. I still see them often.

My new step-kids are all teachers. Emily (Richard's daughter) is married to Jaziel...they live in Kentucky. She teaches special ed and he teaches Spanish. Paul (Richard's son) is a music teacher in VA. These wonderful adults have been fantastic friends to me, and I hope that I'm the same for them, for they have won my heart! They are the BEST!

I have found being a step-mom to be one of the most fulfilling roles I have ever played...far better than any stage role, for sure!!!

...AND...I'm the shortest of all of them, at 5'2"!!!!
Julianne, I'm remembering you were married to Jim Brown??? Hope I'm not blundering into this, but if you ever see him, send my regards. We hung out through most of Jr High and my sisters were friends with Gerry and Laura.
We interrupt these family photos of fine young Sendracians for a news flash:


From a review of Marc Eliot, Jimmy Stewart: A Biography: "In his birthplace--and even the name of Indiana, Pennsylvania, has the perfect American hometown ring--there is a statue of him outside the courthouse and a Jimmy Stewart Museum on the site of his father's hardware store [??], dedicated to preserving his legacy as actor, family man, and war hero. Such is the myth in its blandest formulation....The scandal of Stewart's life was the absence of scandal. [The biography] reads in this chaste standoffishness the lingering aftereffects of Stewart's Presbyterian upbringing." (Geoffrey O'Brien, New York Review of Books, Nov. 2, 2006)
Yep...it was Jim. I'll tell the kids to give him your regards. I haven't seen him in years. I remember him talking about walking to school with you. He really thinks highly of you!
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