

Before this goes completely to the dogs...

And it's not like I don't have puppy photos to share, but I came across something in my files from 1978. Here's the crew of "The Mouse That Roared". Note Emperor Taylor on his throne.
Lots of familiar faces here. I'll do my best to put names on them, but several are lost to time. Question marks after names indicate uncertainty...I think. Click on the image for a larger version.

From the left and going across the back for those who are standing: Gary Shearer, Jeff Stahl, LeAnne Hilty(?), Linda Heiges(?), unknown, Anthe Moss, unknown, Kevin Taylor's sister who's first name I've forgotten, Eric Hansmann/Steve Martin.

And the jumble in front of those standing goes something like this. Laurie Greenwald, Ian Gallanar (in costume and apparently hiding), unknown, Pat Murray, Kevin Taylor, Jane Weiner, Roseanne Rife (nearly hidden), Jim Thompson, Scott Telford behind Jim.

I am soooo glad I've had some coffee this morning or else I wouldn't have gotten most of those names.

I had to offer a better image of Ian here as he had an outrageous mustache for this show. It's pretty cool how you can scan and zoom.

He always liked those medals he wore for this show....

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What a happy picture, Steve.
Good photo Eric, and well done on the name recall! I have just two additions: The "unknowns" in the back row, I believe, are Becky Bracken and Lisa Reschini. And I think it's Jeff Stahlman (instead of "Stahl").
I have a few to add, also! Yep...it's Jeff Stahlman standing in the back row. Amy Taylor (now Liboski) is the girl seated on Patty Murray's right. Kevin Taylor's sister is Robyn Taylor (now Prosser).
That's Sandy Thornton between Jeff Stahlman and I believe one of the Zach girls - maybe Chris?
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