

Long term results of percutaneous catheter drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts.

1. Excessive blogging
2. Bloking
3. Rapping
4. Solipsistiposting
5. Indianosendracalitis (nostalgia for high school theater)

....in a white wine sause.
Another void to fill: sniglet for commenting simply b/c one can't pass up the opportunity of a short word verification that is absent any "q', "p" or 'y".
VERIFEASY(VAIR-if-ee-zee), n.
blog comment posted only because the word verification is brief and features letters chiefly in the middle row of the keyboard (SEE ALSO non sequitur).

blog post targeting specific blogger who will find responding irresistable.
6. O.R. pyromania
WARNING: Blog Bait Ahead

Jeff, how did you become King o'Sniglets? Did Weiner crown you or is this your own doing?
Could I suggest a contraction to "blait". And a post is "blaitant" when it's obviously targeting some taboo topic with a specific blogger.

Jeff, your still in charge of the sniglets. Nell, you can be the blog housekeeper, the "blousekeeper", if you will.

Joe, you OK with this?
I don't know who died and made me "king." Actually, since I'm an academic, I suppose I feel more like the "Interim Chair of the Sniglet Department." Department chair is what you become because nobody else wants the responsibility. Tim is the Dean of the School of Blogology who appointed me (yes sir, "blait" and "blaitant" are fine with me). Nell, you're the smart energetic new faculty member who's questioning the system. Just keep publishing on the blog so you can get tenure.
Oh, yeah, and Joe is President of VU (Virtual University). Kim is on sabbatical, conducting research on the psychological trauma of webfree sea travel.
Uh oh, a case of tachyblogacardia: rapid sequence of back to back comments.

Fortunately, Ron's HS friend and classmate, Rick Stouffer, is a cardiologist here. I'll consult him.
1. I'm going to need a dictionary for
all these terms. Volunteers?
2. "Blousekeeper" seems like something
requiring a wardrobe from
Victoria's Secret. I don't like
Blaid (blog maid) or Bleaner (blog
cleaner). We need to try something
3. We aren't supposed to talk about
Kim while she's away, but she'll
be happy to know she's missed.
4. I just got a VERIFARD which is
the antonym of VERIFEASY.
"Blaid" is cooler if you spell it "Blade".

If you went with maid=young lady, you could be the "Bliss" (blog miss) or the "Blymph" (blog nymph).

How about "Bleaner" (blog cleaner)?

Or the "Clog" (cleaner of the blog)?

I sort of like "Blousemaid".
That's just 'cause you want ME to go to VS and bring back a full report!

Bliss is good, although I'm not really young enough to be a "miss" anymore.

Tonight is back to school night at the Sr. High. I hope it's fun.
Sorry, Kim's already the Blom. But if you dressed and acted like they do on Desperate Housewives you could be a Blomshell.
I could be a blomshell.
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