

Joe's alternative Universe

Found Art #5:
Tabishland. A blog I administer - it's a community built around our high school drama teacher, Dave Tabish. Supposed to be a tribute to him but usually just a lot of 40-somethings acting idiotic and opening old wounds.
When I googled Tabishland this time (faster than typing in the the URL) I got a new link... I'm pretty sure he's referring to Chip Salerno and Eric Jenkins. And maybe Nell.

I was tempted to link to the page this came from, but I thought Joe should have the honor of inviting y'all to play "Ant City".

To quote Kim: "if it's published, it's public"

I'm bleeding....
I'm melting....
My webpage. Enter at your own risk.
Dang it - this made me remember a scene in the first Star Trek movie with Kirk and Bones talking about the former's old flame. Why do I keep remembering this stuff...??
"Welcome to a bit of my world. I'm neither compulsive enough nor dedicated enough to write a blog, so this will have to do."

I r confused. Ain't this a blog that you done?

(my word verification is actually a Tagalog word that's in Merry Christmas)
The website predates the blog by quite a few months. And I'm still not dedicated enough to do one by myself - here at T-land, I have you guys to help.
I googled Tabishland and got Joe's website yesterday too. Joe I find it and you fascinating. To confess, I've read your website before-I even told Kim about it last weekend.
Sing along now:
"these are a few of Joe's favorites things"


The Sarah Vaughn anecdote reminds me that Renee Fleming was born in Indiana. Most famous singer from the town after Kim and Connie.

Joey, ma boy, we hardly knew ye.
First the question is why google Tabishland? What are you looking for?? Tell me so I can look too!

Nell I read his website way before Tabfest and I agree he is fascinating. Joe is a very deep... very shallow...very strong...very shy...very smart ...very...OK Joe is a plethora of dichotomy, ain't we glad we gott'em.

Gauntlet thrown, where the hell is
I'm sitting here, on another Sat night, waiting to get into the OR... so I google stuff...all the time. I could be writing academic papers, but that's a waste of time now that I have the Tablog.

I was therefore pleased to find Msr Pino is even more of an internet addict than I. One must partake of his running, singing cat video. Puts my The Darkness discovery to shame.
Joe- read your rock show list- my buddy Dave Eske ran a Leon Redbone show and said Leon thought he knew everything about sound and hadn't a clue. Dave tricked him into thinking Dave was following his lunatic intructions, but instead did what Dave knew was right. After the Show, Leon kept commenting how great the sound was- and wasn't Dave glad he foillowed Leon's instructions.
Okay, I love Joe - you know I do, but:

Joe is a very deep... very shallow...very strong...very shy...very smart ...very...OK Joe is a plethora of dichotomy, ain't we glad we gott'em.

? Am I crazy, but doesn't his home page say, "I'm sleepy and my butt itches?"

Who IS Joe, really? I'm starting to wonder.
I stand by my comment.
IF yunz can find my personal webpages, then yunz can sling the comments.

Good luck findin'. Joe's is much easier to find.
Oh my God. Eric. Is this TRUE?
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