

blog buddies on my mind

Does this kind of thing happen to anyone else: the blog comes to mind in unexpected moments of serene contemplation? (I can already see the potty humor on the horizon.)

Anyway, last night around midnight EDT, I was driving home on a long, flat, straight two-lane country road near the Indiana-Illinois border (crossing which instantly added an hour to an already long day), and the friendly faces of Tabishland appeared before me like a multiheaded Teddy Bear keeping me comfy on a dark, desolate prairie landscape. (How’s that for a line in some sophomoric IAHS poetry book?)

The prompt came from a “classics” radio station.

See if you can get this one:

cue: brief faux-classical piano intro ending with a cute little trill, then a plaintive voice singing the diphthong-distended line:

Eye-eeeem say-leeeen-gay-way-eeee….”

(Need a hint? Think Joe with big hair, or Glass Planet blog promo shot, or Ian's taste in music).

If we do the awards thing, can I be “Most Likely to Be Verbose”? I can’t do multimedia.

When I tell anyone about this great renewed friendship thing with people I went to High School with 28 years ago, they look at me like I'm insane.

Oh wait, that's what happens when I tell them that Aliens are stealing my dry cleaning.
Chris Cross?
Definately not KrisKros (the backwards pants kids)
"Joe with big hair" is the lead singer of REO Speedwagon. A band the folks in the Land of Lincoln are no doubt very proud of producing.
My guess is "River to hell" the Styx tribute band
Yunz are getting close but it's more obvious. I wasn't exactly trying to be tricky here. The group got plenty of hype on the blog just in the past couple of weeks. And this is their big hit. I also figured it must have been somebody's class song--maybe even my class's song.
For heaven's sake, have you guys ever heard of The Internet? You put "I'm sailing away" in and the first thing that comes up is "Styx"

But as to your original question, Jeff, not only does the blog come to my mind at the most odd moments, it comes to my CHILDREN'S minds at the most odd moments. I kid you not that last week, my son Ethan said to me, "you know when we were sitting with Jeff Davis' father? I just suddenly had this image in my head: 'Cats Who Look Like Jeff Magee'"

So there you go.
We have Ian to thank for this. Ian, you've messed up the whole next generation. And I'm not talking about Star Trek here.

Kim: thanks for politely stepping in. Ellen would have said "duh," which I hear a lot when I don't get something she thinks is obvious.

Tim: REO Speedwagon's from Champaign, actually, and we have a street named after them. Alison Kraus also grew up here. Champaign's a great place to succeed...after you've left.
I wish The Darkness would do a cover version. They could shoot the video in front of a brick wall.

And I'm gonna keep on lovin you
Cause it's the only thing I wanna do
I don't wanna sleep
I just wanna keep on lovin you

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