

Missed file in the hardrive

Thank goodness I found it. The world is again safe.

Thank God for the pipe. I was always a hands-in-pockets type of guy. (Note Tim's expression--already envisioning the day of Anschluss in anticipation of his saliva-spewing Nazi role in SofM.)
Theater story-

Sir Lawrence Olivier was working on a production late in his career with a bunch of Americans of the new school. The director was getting absolutely nothing from him and was getting more an more concerned as time when on. Finally, one day, Sir Lawrence came bounding in and happily announced that he had discovered the secret to the character he was playing. It was a mustache. He put on the mustache and then gave a terrific, energized performance that just left everyone scratching their heads.
Interesting. Here's a similar story from the bottom end of the theater spectrum. Al Jolson used to have intense stage fright and would throw up before performing. Then he discovered blackface and everything was fine after that.
By the way, Ian, have I ever mentioned that my aunt and uncle are friends of Sandy Koufax? They really get along well because my aunt and uncle know nothing about baseball.
The mask phenomenon is absolutely fascinating. Similar to the way kids will discuss traumas through puppets and stuffed animals.

In college, I took a workshop by somebody Jennie knew/dated(?) named Jalen, I think. He had these great, expressive fiberglass masks. The course final was an inprov performance using the masks. The security and creativity behind the mask was stunning--I'd never felt anything like it-- and lots of people in the audience told me later how striking it was, the way actors fully became characters, on short notice.
Boz HAS to have lost "cool" points for this.
Jeff- was this your Uncle Alan? The painter? Or a whole different Uncle?
Sandy Koufax is the Grace Kelly of Baseball. I missed him by a couple of years. My first teams were the 68 Dodgers- Bill Singer, Calude Osteen and a very young Don Sutton. And the 69 California Angels with Jim Fregosi and Andy Messersmith.
My all time hero was Willie Mays- I even named a puppy after him.
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