

Theme for 2007

I think we've narrowed the theme for Tabapalooza 2007 down to "Alien Babe Conquests of Captain Kirk", "Ellie Mae's Critters", or the all-inclusive "Set Controls for the Heart of the Nerd". Dave, do you have a preference?

Can we revisit the pirate theme idea?
"Davy Tabish's Locker". Kim, you get to tell Dave he has to wear the squid beard. We might be able to get Ron to come out of retirement so he can be the Jonathan Pryce father figure character. I'm not even going to get involved in who gets to be Keira Knightley. The safest thing to do, since she's pretty skinny , would be to make Chip be her and avoid the inevitable competition. Of course, that means the girls would either have to be men or the "ladies" of Tortuga. Not sure how that would fly. But if we went for the latter, we'd probably get more of their husbands to attend the party.
I was so worried the blog had died that I almost posted a farm report from the Prairie State.

Just in case there's nothing to talk about, here goes: The corn has tassled out, hog and cattle markets are strong but cautious, all the sounds of the earth are like music, the breeze is so busy it don't miss a tree, and ol' weepin' willer is laughin' at me.

Beat that, East Coast. (And from out here, that includes Indiana, PA.)
Apparently Blogs don't die easily. Instead they writhe around and expire slowly like their 1950's sci-fi monster-like name suggests. Their beauty is the echo-chamber effect whereby 3 of us can think we control the entire internet audience. When in fact even Kim and Nell have gotten back to the more useful parts of their lives.

Jeff: I didn't know that they had electricity out on the frontier. And I'm glad to see the injuns didn't kill all the settlers in your wagon train.

Here's a new Tabish audition line to try 3 ways: "Mister Anthony Bovino hails from the Land of Lincoln."

That said, I'm going back to the more useful part of my life for awhile to either:
-keelhaul a scurvy dog
-sing a sea shanty
-plunder a sloop
-swab the deck
-drink grog and say "aaarrghh"

Curiously my verification is WWPD (what would a pirate do)..... btw, Joe, that thing violates the ADA Act since it discriminates against dyslexics.
It obviously doesn't discriminate against morons given the 96 posts. How about if someone other than me or Tim makes the historic 100th post??
I did NOT get back to the useful part of my life, I was out of town. LONG LIVE THE BLOG! I will never abandon the blog. I considered posting something saying I was going away in case anyone worried, but besides running out of time, I can see that no one actually worried about me being absent. Only that it effected the blog. Which is how it should be.

Now. Let's be honest and say that only about 5 of us are going to show up for '07 anyway. I think we need to pick the theme that has gotten the most mileage on the blog, and we may not be done yet. Let's give it a little time.
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