


Boz is on the Blog!!!!!

I don't believe it! Here are people who are way too hip to blog (some are also dead, which counts as double):

Lou Reed
J.D. Salinger
Scarlett Johansson
Sandy Koufax
Adam Clayton
Dorothy Parker
Vince Vaughn

and anyone that disagrees is going to have to fight me.
Ooooo...great list...I love Salinger. Can you add Lennon and Harrison?
I hate to tell you but Ty McGary's on his way to suburban Baltimore to kick your butt.
Tell Ty McGary that I'm not afraid of him. Oh wait, that Ty McGary. Jesus Jeff, why did you tell him where I live?

I'll hide in the basement.
Nothing like the threat of a fight to the bloody pulp that says "I miss high school." But, has anyone noticed that if you take the first three letters of "Ty McGary" you get "Tym," which looks like "Tim" and rhymes with "Kim," and that "Gary" has the same number of letters as "Pino" AND the whole name "Ty McGary" has the same number of letters as "Gallanar"? Happy 4th of July.
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