

Self-realization is the first step to self-improvement

Follow the link in the title to understand what we're doing here. I think the Tablog would be considered a nanoaudience. But if we can get everyone in China to start logging on, I think it could get real big. We could sell advertising space, issue an IPO and retire early.
Whenever you're at a computer in a new city, stop by the site so it gets a new dot on the map. It'll make Joe very happy.

The key is that an iceberg is never what it appears, nor is our Tablog.
The lesson here, too, may be that saying something is more important than having something to say. What's sadder, after all: an inane blog or an abandoned blog? Are we citizens of Tabishland capable of either?
Capable of inane blogging? As your post proves, Jeff, we are BUT as you also cleverly prove, by posting an inane comment questioning whether we can create an inane blog , is that we are rising to the level of a metablog. And an inane metablog beats an inane blog any day (unless you have a royal blog, which beats everything).

And when did Ian become a mariachi singer?
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but what I do know is that Ian's mariachi period came between the Shakespeare gig (which didn't work out) and the hunky construction worker job (which did).
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