

Special Guest Star?

I was casually looking over my extensive Star Trek photography collection. I try and do this at least once a week. It helps me to stay grounded. My therapist also tells me that while I'm looking at the pictures, I should tell myself that it is a TV show and not the alternate plane reality that exists only to me, Dan Rather and the dog chained up next door. Anyway, I must have looked at this picture, oh, about three to four thousand times in my life, but was surprised whom turned up this time. Take a good look.

Didn't he get killed off in the first season - eaten by a giant hernia?
Is that a tribble on his head?

And don't pick on me, or I might get bloganoia.
He is sooooo cute!
I never knew Kirk had an illegitimate/bastard son. Who is his mother?
This looks suspiciously like Bottle Collector's Club.
Heh. He said bottle collector's club.
Oh my God. Ian. Altering photos. A whole new level of how to amuse ourselves and waste time. Oi. To quote you.
Kim we can have so much fun next weekend, creating our own!

I know I was on the cover of Rolling Stone, or was it High Times.
Joe, I'm glad to see you found Cesar. I bet he collects bottles too.
Ginger has a delightfully altered photo done the old fashioned way with scissors. I'll post it later.
Don, my resident Trekkie husband, swears that Tim's star trek mother is none other than Dynasty's favorite cat-fighting bitch, Joan Collins, who as we all know appeared in the "City on the Edge of Forever" episode.
I think that's the episode where Bones is horrified to be back in the 1930s when "they used to actually have to cut people open". Makes me sad that I don't have a tricorder to do surgery with as I sit here, not oncall on a Friday night, waiting to do yet more kiddie cutting.

Look a the picture closely, Uhura is checking out my butt to see if EJ or me gets her Most Dramatic vote.
I'm sorry, I just looked at that picture again and think it's the funniest damn thing I've ever seen. Ever. He FITS RIGHT IN. It's mindblowing.
I like the episode in which Chekov sings "Cheer up Sleepy Jean" and then Sister Batrill coldcocks him. What was that one called? "Bitch-slapping on the Edge of Forever"?
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