


Okay, this is the perfect reason for everyone to get Skype. Obviously Kim and Ian are both at their computers and online as I type this. If you guys had Skype, I'd see you were on line and we could be actually talking to each other while blogging - like IM but with voices - people used to call it a phone call in the olden days - now you can do it from your computer.

I've been using it to have meetings with these guys from England and it's pretty fun. The nerd quotient - talking and typing at the same time - is off the scale.

Just a thought. My skype name is jdpino. If you join, let me know and I'll add you to my phone book and we can chat whenever.

PS. You do need a microphone hooked to your computer - if you have a Mac it's built in but if you have a PC you'd need a little USB mic.

I just told Don that I need a new toy. (The microphone, get your minds out of the gutter.) He informs me that a mic exists somewhere in the nether-reaches of our basement and he promises to dig it out. One of our friends didn't want it (!) and it's been stowed away in our repository of computer-related parts/items/skeletal remains. So count me in (as soon as we wade through the crap to dig the mic out).

And Joe, Lizzie is worried anew that I won't remember to pick her up.
Okay Misternerdman...tryin' to up the ante here I see...first you slyly hook us on blogging and now this? Typing AND talking AT THE SAME TIME???? (Jeff, beware!)
Whew...you are really challenging us...quite the teacher you are...
And look who's first in line to join up (She probably sits in the first seat of the front row of vitual blog school too!And look how she bosses around all the cute guys just living to do her bidding...)
Okay, since I am a goody-goody student (Heh-heh)I will try to accept your challenge and live up to your high (but naive)expectations of us. First, I've got to go buy me some parts...
Here's your challenge back (since I do have flashes of saucystudent in me occasionally (heh-heh)):
Why doesn't our blog have any background music/sound Mistersoundman? :O)
Why would one type and talk at the same time? Where is this Skype?
(Is it like "Sk-eye-pe" or like "Skippy"?
click the link in the title - it's SKY-peh. I'm not sure why one would type and talk at the same time - but people do it. I think you can IM individuals during a conference call, so you could have a side conversation about what a tool one person is without them knowing.
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