

The number two most asked question is....

Top window appears when you go to the blog Dashboard, log in and click New Post.

The lower window appears after you click the little photo icon in the first window.

Images must be JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF or BMP format. The blog will resize them to take up the least amount of memory. We have 300MB of image space for the blog - the entire Sendracs photo collection over at the other website is around 20MB. So we shouldn't run out of space for a while.

The Official Blogger Instructions are here .

Gee willikers Mister Joe...you didn't have to make my technology challenged handicap so gosh darn public...and just fer yer information... graphic aids always help the slowest of students.
Patience Misterteacherman;patience!
And now that I'm feeling so stupid student sassy...what is the #1 question asked???
You are not the only person who's raised their hand about the mystery of successfully posting a photo, Janine. Not by a loooong length (oh, obscure TV reference there .... anyone???). Thus the more graphic instructions.

If anyone's still having problems let me know. Worst case you can email things to me and I'll put them up.

#1 Question: "What's my password? I forgot and can't log on."
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