

I actually got Jane to blog from Siler City NC

i am being held at gunpoint, so don't believe any of brother tim's anti gun theory...he owns several uzi's.
It is scary.

I regret I missed the surprise of Mr. T.....I love to see facial and body reactions to those type of events.....
I hope Mr. T does realize the amazing influence he has had over many of our lives....that is pretty cool.

I was in Indiana a week later for my own reunion with my dear group of geese i used to hang with...lots of going thru and thru and thru the yearbooks over and over....and over.

I still felt the unbelivable energy you all had left in the streets of Indiana-ville....it was mind blowing....a lot of desire to set Thurber Carnival....Teahouse (short name and I am too tired to write out the entire title)...or even a musical say Pajama Game at The Coney. It was incredible....AFA

jane (Weiner)

Hi Jane,

It's good to hear from you, even if it is under duress. Sorry you couldn't make the big event, you were missed. Keep your brother in line, will you? The rest of us have tried for years with little success.

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