


Excuse the non sequitur, but wasn't "energy" another catchword, along with "no-i-in-team," "no-small-parts," and "not-fun-but-rewarding"? At Tabapalooza, he used it to describe something Kim did (who else?), and it struck a distant chord of memory. I haven't seen anyone bring it up. (A search of the blog yielded a single use of the word "energy," by--who else--Tim.) Anyway, does this ring a bell with anyone? Or is it too obvious to mention? Does anyone actually HAVE energy any more?

Wasn't "energy" something that oozed around on the stage floor when there was a lack of "focus" and "concentration". I remember ruining several pairs of Puma sneakers standing in pools of it.
Your tube socks and cuffed bell bottoms were okay, though?
I think you're right, Jeff, it sounds very much like a word that was bandied around a lot. And no, I don't think any of us has the energy we used to, I certainly don't. I went out to dinner with some friends last night and the tea I was served after dinner was REALLY strong, and I said, "wow! I'm going to be up 'til midnight with this stuff!!" How pathetic is that?

May have been why the stormtroopers wore their tube socks pulled up tight and their cutoffs so short? Lots of screaming but no focus or true energy. Fooled the critics, though.
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