

Welcome To Tabishland!

Welcome to Tabishland - sort of like Disneyland but everything is painted brown and the only rides aren't fun: they're rewarding. This will be a group blog eventually and as soon as I figure blogging out, we can probably move the so-called "Kim Contrucci alter" here (hey, for the record I wasn't the only person who crushed on Kim - Ian, Chip, Eric, Gene, Francis, John, Scotty, Kevin- and I can only guess at the pre-1979 folks but I have some hunches). First on the agenda is making this a group blog. Back in a few.

Hmmm. Julianne, I think Alzheimer's is setting in. The program indicates you played Pam and my copy of the script (yes, I still have a copy of the script 'though I think I picked it up years later at a book sale) indicates that Fran, Pam, Ann and Mary are all in the TV station scene. Can someone help us out? Can we Photoshop Kevin out of the picture so we can see who's back there?
Okay, J-Lay provided photographic proof of being the grape stomping peasant, but that still doesn't explain the mystery of the fourth guest.
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