

For Jeff

Of course, anyone else can pipe in (har) if they're interested, but I'd like to Jeff to listen to this, read the comments, and tell me if you think the organist hit wrong notes or accidentally transposed the organ. And why. In fifty words or more. :-)

Having been out of the loop for a while, and seeing now that the blog has moved on to other important matters, I would nevertheless like to offer my considered opinion that the organist seriously f*@%&* up here. What I particularly like is how the whole choir was dragged down a step or so just before the organist found the right chord. Reminds me of a performance I heard in college...from the piano stool. (My left hand was the organist and my right hand was the choir.)
Okay, but was it fingers on the wrong keys, or the organ transposed? Are the chords he's playing correct and just a half step down? It's clear he moves up a half step at the end but I can't tell when he first messes up if the chord makes sense within itself, it's just in the wrong key.

If you're still reading this!
Okay--I'll listen more closely. Had busy 4-year-old in room and didn't have much time to study before. Hope to check back later.
Okay - about to be out of web contact from Friday to next Tuesday if you don't hear from me. Will check when I get back.
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