

CSC blog

Has this blog really been around since 2002? The slide show effect is nice.

I look at that website, and all I can think is that theater sure *looks* like fun.
Oh, it's FUN, alright. But is it rewarding?

Can anyone explain to me how

a) we never knew about this blog

b) now knowing about it, why haven't we infested it with smart ass comments and pretend personalities? Gern, where are you when we need you?
It sure does look fun; I miss it.

Hey, Ian is it still fun or just a job now?
Hey guys- it's only about two years old- we just pre-dated stuff on it. Feel free to post links to presidential candidates and kitties on it.

For the most part it's fun. I found the kind of theater I was doing before to be just a job- but this IS fun for me.
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What great press on the prison show.

_Major_ kudos to Ian for pulling that off. Too bad Morgan Spurlock (or someone) wasn't there to capture the event for a docu.
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