

"Driving into Indiana, PA"

Okay, someone ACTUALLY POSTED THIS ON YOUTUBE. We could make a game of it...how long did you watch before you couldn't stand it anymore?

Next time they should start even further away from town, like in Shelocta or Crickside. Then it could help cure someone's insomnia.

Eight minutes and forty seconds and not ONE single Christmas Tree. What a disappointment...
Ha ha ha! Yeah, maybe that was a statement
I love how the car drives right through a college town and there's absolutely no sign of a college.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling!

Forty years of darkness!

Earthquakes, volcanoes...The dead rising from the grave!

Human sacrifice...Dogs and cats living together - MASS HYSTERIA!
I actually started watching for vehicles I knew--didn't notice any though. Towards the end I thought they might be headed for your parents' house Ian.

Yawn. Makes me wanna get outta town.
Well, I'm going TO town in mid-July for the reunion. So maybe I'll video coming into town from sixth street. I'm always struck first by Risinger Road and how cool I used to think that was that the Risingers had a street named after them. Then there used to be the big sign pointing towards the Holiday Inn and that big house where the family with ten kids lived. Lauer? Is that spelled right?

But actually, when you come over the crest leading up to the turn-off for Mack park pool and the hospital, the town below is quite lovely. I've always loved that.
I was at that Sig Nu party
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