

I wish my students could tell stories like this

I don't think I could tell this story with this much detail. I know most of my students couldn't.



Mr Fun

I'm not blogging as Ian anymore. Now I'm blogging as Mr. Fun. Here is the cover of a viewmaster package of Lancelot Link Secret Chimp slides for your enjoyment.



For those of you who remember Sam.

Written by my lovely Spanish sister-in-law Marta.

HOw are you?

How you feel? your vision is still double? l hope no. Did Dr. told you what is going on?

Well, soon we will be there with you, to hugh you!!!!

Yesterday happened me something funy...l call to comcast to fix something and they came yesterday and the guy ask me where are you from? and l said Spain and he was like OHHH my daughter lives in Malaga (close to Sevilla) and we started to talked and he asked me if my husband was from Spain too and l said NO, he is from Pittsburg and he said: OH l'm from a little town indiana pennsylvania ...and you can figure we were chatting about Indiana and all kevin's family bla bla bla and he said...well l remember a Hulbert girl ...she was very very PRETTY...her name is "Ginger"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahahaha...l said, she's my sister in law!!!!! and he said you study with him (Sam Grove) and his brother (Bruce) study with Kevin and Sam got married with Lisa Barneyy (now they are divorce)...but Ginger belive me he was SOOOOO EXCITING about you!!!!!!

We were talking and he ask me to should him pictures of you!!! and he said 5 words and then...oh she was beautiful!!!! and at the end he told me, please tell Ginger l said Hello and l hope she can remember me, and tell her l always remember her like the Pretty girl!!!!

Oh Ginger, l found somebody who loved you in secret!!! ha ha ha

Here is his e.mail...Oh yes he left his email.... xxxxxxxxxxxx

Well Gingerina, l hope you can understand my story,




Flight of the Conchords- Albi (racist dragon)

I have nothing to say about this except that I like it.



Unfortunately Ian, no Plankton

I guess if you don't watch Spongebob, this is pointless. But I know Ian does.
I love Gary as the waiter in the first one.



Ipod Seventies Madness

Well, I finally broke down and got an ipod (my eight year old daughter beat me to this by almost six months). I could no longer stand looking at the piles of CDs taking over my house (you know, the kind of cd- like the one you bought in 1991 and even though you didn't ever listen to it, you kept it around because there was one song on it that you kinda liked)

So, I am about 5,000 songs into this process of burning songs and boxing up the cds and I was weeding through my (embarrassingly small) mid-seventies "rock music inspired by mixing large amounts of jack daniels and plentiful and inexpensive cocaine" collection. I remembered a blog entry early on in Tabishland about Ted Nugent. Here is the scene:

Ian: (Thinking to himself) I remember liking that song Stranglehold. I mean, there's nothing I like about that asshole Ted Nugent, but that song...was it really any good? Nah, I'm sure it was just like when I tried to listen to Wings' Venus and Mars a few years back. I hated it.

(pause while he tries to decide whether to burn Bowie's Station to Station on to his ITUNES or just be satisfied with TVC15 and Golden years from the Bowie Singles compilation)

You know, for just 99 cents, I could grab a copy from the ITunes store and if it's horrible, all I will have lost would be 99 cents.

(He then proceeds to download Stranglehold, burn it to his IPOD and listens to the song with the cheap-ass ear buds that came with the machine).

(Still, to himself)
This is the rockin'est song ever recorded.


Moral of the story: Stranglehold is the rockin'est song ever recorded

Post script: can anyone tell me why I saved all twenty tracks from "Shake Your Congas: Another Crazy Cocktail Party" and yet Beatles Live at The BBC just gets put in one of the boxes?



Pass the Popcorn

Set in Cold War 1957, the adventure continues. I for one can't wait. There's something appealing and exciting about Indy and I've always been a sucker for a Spielberg flick. I've got my seat reserved.



Spinning Lady Illusion

I find this fascinating and spent a lot of time looking at it. At first it was firmly going counter -clockwise for me, then it would only go clockwise. Now, I can get it to switch if I glance at it suddenly or if I focus on something like the bottom of the foot and imagine it going the other way. Below is the text that goes with it:

If you see this lady turning clockwise, you are using the right side of your brain. If you see it turning counter-clockwise, you are using the left side of your brain.

Some people do see both ways, but most people see it only one way. See if you can make her go one way and then the other by shifting your eyes slightly to the side.

Experimentation has shown that the two different sides, or hemispheres, of the brain are responsible for different manners of thinking. The following table illustrates the differences between left-brain and right-brain thinking:

Left Brain
Right Brain
Logical Random
Sequential Intuitive
Rational Holistic
Analytical Synthesizing
Objective Subjective
Looks at parts Looks at wholes

Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of these styles of thinking. Some, however, are more whole-brained and equally adept at both modes. In general,

schools tend to favor left-brain modes of thinking, while down playing the right-brain ones. Left-brain scholastic subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy.
Right-brained subjects, on the other hand, focus on aesthetics, feeling, and creativity.



I love that Burt Bacharach is the darling of current bands. This is a few years old but features my favorite rock vocalist Mike Patton.



A question for Mr. Soup Etiquette

Dear Mr. Soup Etiquette,

I have a question about gazpacho: can you eat it during the regular soup eating season (Fall-Spring)? I know it is traditionally eaten in the summer, but it's okay to eat it in winter too, right? My lovely girlfriend Roweena says it's for summer only. I say ALL soup can be eaten in the soup season, but only a few soups are legal in the summer, gazpacho being one of them.

We have a bet riding on this -- if I win, she has to dress up like Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider for a month; if she wins, I have to dress up like Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider for a month. Please settle this once and for all.



Of Mice And Men

Starring our own Dave Tabish in the role of Carlson ("Candy! That dog stinks!" and my favorite line "Hey, what's eating those guys?"). Feb 23 - March 2 at the New Hazelet Theater on the North Side.

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