

On the Air

I made arrangements today to do an air shift on WWVU FM, the college radio station of West Virginia University. I'll be on the air spinning tunes from the ages on Wednesday, December 27 from 10 am to 2 pm. You can listen in on your computer through the link in the above headline.

I'm not sure what I'll be playing yet. I do have a major inclination towards the punk and post-punk music of the 1976 to 1984 period, but I have also been grooving on alt-country, be-bop, blues, folk, and other musics. It should be an interesting four hours of old-time, free-form, rock and roll radio. You know, like what we tried to tune into in high school when stations like WYDD and were cool.

By the way, this will be my 26th straight year of broadcasting at least one radio air shift on a non-profit radio station. I always have a blast going on the air once or twice a year and spinning some old faves. If you are so inclined, I encourage you to look around your area for a non-comm or college station that needs an occassional assist. You can usually play what your heart desires during a lull between academic terms on a college station. Just minimize the dead air and keep the tunes spinning. Be sure to drop us a note so we can listen, too!

Nell and I recommend Nouvelle Vague for that seasonal bossa nova cover of our favorite punk songs.
I TOTALLY agree! I really like their cover of "Dancing with Myself".

Don't forget the B-52s.
Richard will love learning about your radio shift, Eric! He's a tried and true "eer." We'll be at the Southern Workman Estate, so we'll be listening!
Way cool! I'll be sure to listen in.
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Stu Finnder.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm starting to sift and sort through the Hansmann Music Archive (HMA) and am getting a fix on several possibilities. While I do not have any Nouvelle Vague (which is an actual group), I do have a Plastic Bertrand single for the Francophiles.

I'll probably start on the quieter side and veer towards the punk rock as lunch draws near.

And what a surprise to hear from Al Linkey....

...The Modern Lovers - Pablo Picasso now playing on the work unit.
Eric, if you truly want Nouvelle Vague, I can make that happen...
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