

Who Remembers the Tinsel Ball?

Yes, the annual IHS Holiday Dance is (still) called the Tinsel Ball and it was held over the weekend. Here are Emily's homeys at her friend Lauren's house where they all had dinner before the big dance. They had so much fun that they stayed together as a group for the entire evening. They are: (l-r) Emily's date Matt, Sam, Katie, Becki, Lauren, Garrett, Emily, and Greg.

What. No powder blue leisure suit from the 700 Shop?
Oh, Tim. Thanks for THAT reminder.
Kids today are just a tad bit more sophisticated than (what we thought) we were back in the day. Sigh...
Great looking bunch there. I also like the blocking, though I think Matt and Greg might have leaned in at a 45-degree angle-- outer elbow bent at 30 degrees on hip--to enhance focus on the ladies.
Ummmm...I believe Gracie and I have an interesting Tinsel Ball memory...something about a blind date from Oil City who decided at the last minute that he didn't want to take a chance on me! Gracie ran around for a week trying to find me a date...I had NO idea that he had backed out!!!! By the time I found out, I completely humiliated myself and asked every nice boy that I knew...including, I might add, one Nick Hoffman...and everyone said "No" except my buddy Robbie Brown from my church youth group. He was two years younger than I was, and my dad had to drive out to Brush Valley to pick him up. We did have a great time, though, and kudos to Gracie, who really did try to get me a date!!!!!
I don't have any bad Tinsel Ball stories. In fact, my best time at the Tinsel Ball was with Ted Hurd, we went pretty much as friends and had a blast. God, I hope as I'm saying this I didn't go to the Tinsel Ball with anyone on the blog that I'm forgetting.

The powder blue leisure suit, however, is from *one* of my disaster prom stories. Anyone else have a story about the Foil $%^&#?
For a second I thought that said "The powder blue leisure suit, however, is from *one* of my disaster porn stories. "

The mind reels.
Dave...now THAT'S another story!!!! Dave was actually my date for the Junior year Tinsel Ball. He's happily married with babies now, and his sister was one of my voice students!

I think the boy from Oil City was a friend of your date...he was a wrestler, I recall. I really don't remember anything else!

I think these memories are fun to put together!

I would love to hear about the powder blue leisure suit! I imported a prom date from Penns Manor once who was allergic to the boutonniere that I bought him and he sniffled all evening!
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