

A-one, and A-two, and...

How did the eBay conductor do in his/her Hallelujah Chorus debut? How much did he/she pay? AND...How did the Messiah performance go???? Can't wait to hear!

Oh...boy. Thanks for asking, Julianne. I might even be ready to talk about it. It's been a tough week.

The auction was fabulous. When a guy in the chorus won it for about $1250, we offered Friday night to the next highest bidder, and that was accepted. So we did it twice. She (the Friday night) was the mother-in-law of someone in the chorus, and had conducted church choirs all her life. So she flew in from South Dakota to conduct us. We all had the sense of fulfilling someone's dream. It was magnificent!

However. For my part, I have been sick all week. I missed rehearsals except one night came to take notes for our conductor. Friday night I wasn't even sure I'd be able to sing well for the performance.

Then...to make a long story short, the mezzo soloist was delayed, and for 25 brief, terrifying, thrilling minutes, I was going to have to stand in for her. I asked Julianne Baird to help me and she was great. She helped me warm up and talk through details like which score to bring onstage (since I was currently working off of two). It was so exciting. My husband and kids were in the audience. There are no words to convey how much I wanted to walk onto that stage as one of the four star performers....but of course, the soloist showed up at about 3 minutes to curtain. It was really, really hard. Plus, I'm still sick and had to cancel another singing engagement I had on Saturday afternoon. I really felt like I went from glass half full to totally full to totally empty. But I guess that's show biz.

Thanks for "listening!" :-(
Oh Kim. I'm so so sorry to hear that. Drink some tea and each some cookies and chocolate. Feel better and remember how Julianne Baird worked with you and what you learned from her. I'm sending hugs along with this.
What a week!!!!! I'm so sorry that you had to deal with such a roller-coaster of performing emotions. I like what Nell said about the thrill of being able to coach with Julianne Baird. I know that the stress of staying well to sing can be such a frustrating mental/physical balance.

I think it's awesome that you were selected as the understudy, even if it didn't happen. I'll bet your adrenalin was really pumping during that last half-hour before the curtain!!!!

I was sure praying for your performances this weekend. I hope that you feel a lot better SOON so that you can enjoy the rest of the holiday season!

Hugs from me, too! I believe in you!
Was anyone in this story named....Connie, perchance????
Sorry, that was me that wrote that last comment.
Mr Pollock
ACTUALLY sometimes a person really just needs support from her friends.

Julianne and Nell, thanks.
I'm sure you would have been fantastic.
You know, I have to say I always liked and admired Mr. Pollock. He was a very kind man, and also very talented.
Not all of the Tabishlanders knew him, and that's sad, because he was a good person.
During orchestra he called Sherry and me "The Tootsie Rolls." We liked him a lot. He ignored EJ, as did we.
During orchestra he called Sherry and me "The Tootsie Rolls." We liked him a lot. He ignored EJ, as did we.
We have a teacher's aide at Eisenhower who moved into the Pollock's former home by the fairgrounds. Their kids have (miraculously) become really, really musical since moving into the house. Both kids are totally excited about music, taking instrumental lessons, and singing in groups. I guess the piano was left behind, and for some reason the whole family has taken up piano-tinkering, too. Neat, huh?!
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