

(I Feel Like I Drove) 2000 Miles

No, I don't feel like I actually drove THAT far this weekend! Going to the Big Apple and seeing the holiday decorations put me in the holiday spirit, so I thought I'd share this. Enjoy!

Okay, then howzabout "500 miles?" Not the best video, but a GREAT song:

Thanks Nell! Tallahassee has lots of scragly trees set up everywhere but nothing compared to the "Christmas Tree Capital of the World!"
That is a great song Kim. You just gotta love some of the stuff on You Tube. Brings back great memories.
It is great song! I don't remember hearing it before. Thanks for a great kick-off to my week!
I always liked that song.

Aimee Mann has a Christmas cd out:

I'm pretty fond of Brave Combo's Christmas CD "It's Christmas, Man". Miranda and I love to torture CE with constant singing of "Must Be Santa" though the season.
I was trying to remember why I knew that song so well and I rememeberd driving through France, Italy, Greece and (the former) Yugoslavia in 1990 with Heidi in a leased Citroen with, like, four cassettes to play. One of them was the Pretender's greatest Hits.

Of course you could count on every autostop to have copies of Supertramp cassettes. True fact about the French- they love Supertramp(!)

That was the summer of "everybody wants to rule the world" but the DJs on the French and Italian radio stations pronounced the band "Tearce for Fearce." Also, some Cowboy Junkies song - referred to as the Cowboy Yunkies. This have given me a life long habit of refering to the drug addicted as "yunkies."
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