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I'm here, and I check in everyday! Everyone is so clever...I can't come up with meaningful responses. Too much holiday at the moment, I think...
Perhaps the blog is entering it's solipsistic phase, whereby the only thing that matters/exists is one's postings. To comment would be to acknowledge the existence of others. Unless, of course, one was commenting on one's own posting; Jeff had a word for this. I think of it as a internal blog monologue, an "inblogologue", if you will.
Oh, shut up, McWeinery. Of course we're going to comment on other people's postings. You just wanted an excuse to use the word solipsistic again. If we weren't all here together, there wouldn't be much point, would there? One of the great tasks we perform for each other, which we have diligently participated in for 30 years, is calling each other on the BS and other nonsense that we see each other saying or doing. Though not much "doing" here, cyberspace isn't that advanced yet (I just had an image of Mealy tour jete-ing across the internet. Can't wait.)

Plus, we support each other. Don't we? I think we do! Anyway, I'm still here, too.
Oh hi, Kim.
No ballet moves but there's a video of GD jetskiing in a Speedo on YouTube, btw. Search "the Dr McDreamys of podiatry".
I agree with Kim. This blog is US, together. Solipsism in the blogosphere would be each of us having our own blog.
Hey, how's it going? I was just....um...why is everyone looking at me like that? Is everything all right? ....Oh, I, um.. I must have caught you at a bad time. I'll just... come back later.

Did anyone see where Hansmann went?
I'n no longer in synch with where this blog is going musically. I'm quitting to pursue a solo blog project.
Shoot, I didn't realize how much I missed you guys!
how long have I been out?
At least two hours, I'd say. Don't leave us again *sob*
I'm here, but busy. Prepping for going back to work for the first time in 6 years. Scared poopless.

I can't read the word verification.
Sorry...I was stuck in a white wine sauce...
I've been busy covering fire ants in chocolate.

Liza tell us about your new job.
I am here too, been working on grants and other fun theatre stuff
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