

When Browsers Collide

I was doing research on eBay - our chorus is auctioning off the experience of conducting the Hallelujah Chorus during our big winter concert - and I had Tabishland open in another window. Suddenly I had an idea! Click on the link.

I'm a bit surprised to see only one collectable bottle offered, given the popularity of that hobby in Indiana.
and for those of us that are both Tabishlanders and former Waller Rats. Click to this image that was beign offered on that ebay page:

I used to have a Windy Ridge Dairy milk bottle...
Wow...Windy Ridge Dairy. We used to get milk from there. Lee Edwards' (Jr High History teacher and Guidance Counselor) family used to own that operation.

Now, who has an Indian Head Beer bottle? There's the gem for the true bottle collector.

Anyone have any glass items from the Diamond Glass that once operated in Indiana?
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