

Sight gag 101

From our friends at Boing Boing.

I think this is hilarious.
Me too
Ok, so it took me two days to understand this.
Anyone notice a trend here? The girls are the ones who seem to be enjoying this.
WTF!!! Yo, I be a woman!!

ps-- anyone else a fan of Barbara Manatee?
Sorry Liza. I used the term girl because it's more clubby sounding than "woman". I also think that sometimes it's more fun to be a girl than a woman.
She's the star of a soap opera called ENDANGERD LOVE
Nell, just wanted an excuse to use "yo" and "WTF."

Bob the Tomato, you can't really be Bob the Tomato! Because you are supposed to be so early 90's and just got cable.

Barbara Manatee is as pseudo Bob says-- part of the kid's series called Veggie Tales. Larry the Cucumber tangoes with her, sorta.
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