

Be the first on your block

to see this amazing video.

Okay, well THAT made me smile.
I think I got a slight epileptic fit watching.
That is completely amazing.
Wow. This sends me back to the sniglet farm:

Musical talent
MEW-zih-cuhl TAH-lint. n.

Archaic. Phrase current in 19th- and 20th-century English-speaking lands to describe "people" who "play" "instruments" after long "study" and without the aid of video and editing. Believed to have dissipated after advent of "You Tube." See also "Music School" and "Music Teacher."
What amazes me, besides the whole idea of the video, is the patience and diligence it took to produce the piece.

Thank you for reminding me that I'm not crazy! I've been telling Richard about sniglets and he doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. Who was the comedian on Johnny Carson who did the sniglets???? The only sniglet I can remember is "Esso-asso!"
Rich Hall. I think I still have one of the original sniglet books around here somewhere.
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