

I'm becoming my Dad...

I just bought an eight foot tall fiberglass ladder so I can clean out the gutters on the garage and do other odd chores around the house that are out of my reach.

Is anyone else coming down with a similar affliction?

We are all in this together.

Honest-to-God, Don and I were discussing the purchase of a 13' ladder tonight to clean gutters, hang Xmas decos, change lightbulbs, etc. We've been putting it off by borrowing from friends but that's getting old not to mention how silly it looks driving through town.
I discovered that the best cure for the middle age male crisis is a tractor. It is great.

Honey, what did you do today.
I made a brush pile.
Is that all you did all day.
Uh huh.

There is always a reason to buy a new tool. Tools are what make us a higher animal.

Looking forward to getting home and buying something I dont necessarily need at Lowes.
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