

I'm pork.

Why is this not a bit surprising?

I'm chicken, as in the meat not the emotion. Don is proud to be beef.

One thing I like to do with these quizzes is to give the answers that most closely match how I feel. Then I like to re-take the quiz changing a few answers to see how it affects the results. Often just a few changes make a big difference. However, with this test, I have changed about half of my answers and I still end up being "chicken". I'd like to be fish but I guess that isn't considered meat.
I'm chicken, too. *sigh*
Mystery meat. seriously.
I thought for sure I would be pork w/ Joe or more appropriately rump roast, but I must join my girlfriends and be a chicken.
I'm pig knuckles in aspic.
Joe, this reminds me of a line Gene had in YCTIWY. It was about pickled pigs' feet. His delivery was so droll and off-hand that it still makes me chuckle.
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