

A Loose Picture

I found another picture loose in the box. Talk about your schmactin'!

I love the look on your face!
You may want to put some Tinactin on that schmactin'.
If I remember correctly, I saw Ted Hurd play that smae part at PVP the summer beforehand and i was probably just trying to imitate him.

Also, one of my great "acting tricks" before I got contacts- I couldn't see a damn thing on stage-I could never see the other actor's faces, so I just used to look at my hands a lot.
Those 2 guys on the right look familiar. Didn't they own an interior design studio for awhile?
Interior designers. Heh. Reminds me of an old joke: How do you tell a gay man from an Englishman?

You can't.
Jane tells me that her former dance date Danny Vitale and his partner own a very successful int. design business in the 'burgh. So successful, it makes me wonder why I went into medicine.
Oh wait. It's those guys from Vegas who do the white tiger act, right?

Speaking of PVP, any luck on the photographic record, Kim?
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