

improving the classics

Photoshop contest that was about putting superheros into famous works of art. Some are pretty darn funny.

On a less funny note, if you haven't seen this article about the 10 worst congressmen you probably should. Maybe not. It's frankly sad - Ian couldn't make up things this outrageous. Canada's looking better every day.

You know, just yesterday I was wondering what Jesus Christ would look like with a red cape.

Cool site.
Thanks for sharing both sites, Joe! AND...thanks for making this blog happen. I am gratified to be connected to these dear friends who were such an important part of my HS years.
I also checked out the congressmen thing. Very depressing. However, I'm very proud of the ruling in New Jersey today which forces the legislators to provide rights and benefits to same- sex couples. At least sanity prevails some of the time.
Try to keep a sense of humor about it; it's fun to watch Denny stew in his own grease:
It is just me or is it very, very strange to have John Murtha pop up all the time in the news?

For anyone that knew Markus Olin-Fahle (he was the very tail end of Tabishland, IHS class of about 1984). He's an aide to Barney Franks.
No kidding...I knew Markus! He was in shows at about the same time as my brother.
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