

Found item #4

Kim your arms remind me of The Darkness video where the lead guitar drops out of the ceiling into his hands.


Did I know that? Howzacome no one told me!

story of my life
What happened to Kim's forearms? AAAaargghh!
Yes. I was waiting for a guitar to drop. Man, I've ALWAYS hated that picture. It's so nice to have this crap follow you around forever.

Joe: their was an entire post about nicknames, and I DID say mine was Cookie. You really ought to read the blog now and then.

X-files: the truth is out there.

Cookie: if it's published, it's public.
Yeah. Well. I haven't gone through my boxes in the basement, Mr.Dr.McWeinery-Dreamy-TimTimery. Those love letters you sent me are gonna cause you no small amount of discomfiture.
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