

Tabishland : the comic

An important day in SendracIAN history

Happy B-Day!! How are you celebrating? Another strip?


(all caps means I REALLY MEAN IT)
wow. How nice. Thanks Nell, thanks you guys. I was trying to have a low key birthday and sort of have it sneak by, but no such like.

Truly- thank you.


I'm celebrating by exercising my franchise (it's election day today in MD) and spending the day with my daughter. Later on the evening, I'm looking forward to re-stringing my guitar for the first time in like two years.
Happy Birthday, Ian. And if you "strip" (see Liza's post), uh, perhaps you shouldn't put it on the blog. We might get shut down.
Woo-hoo!! Now THAT's a birthday!
That's COMIC strip, I meant!

(why do I get the feeling I just made things worse...?
Just think, I will always be older than you. Come to DC before Saturday so I raise a glass to you.
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