

Ha ha. I loved scrolling down through these pictures and then seeing this teeny one of Ian. So small. So dark. So serious.
a secret Tabishland voyeur (I won't tell who!)told me there was new stuff up on Tabishland and goddamnit, I am dark and serious. Oh wait, I'm doughy and slightly sarcastic. Is that the same as being dark and serious?
Well, Pernell, I'd have to say doughiness is in the eye of the beholder. Or perhaps the tummy. In any case, this pic is seriously dark and serious. Seriously. Mr. Gallanar is certainly very sarcastic as well. VERY - not slightly.

Hey, Gallanar/Gallagher. Is that the connection? Then what does the ..oh, wait!! I got it! Ginger! Chip! Tab! Yo! *sigh* he is SO clever.
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