


Hey Ian, the Steelers played in a game on Sunday.
I was at a Super Bowl party where mostly everyone else supported the Cardinals. !!! I was surprised because I thought everyone was a Stillers fan.
You were at the wrong party Kim!

Steeler Nation lives!
So the towel is cool because, um, it's yellow? and towels are, like connected to football? because um football players wipe themselves on towels if they get sweaty? and um, they're "terrible" because?, well I'm not sure about the terrible part.

Well, at least the team is comprised of players who love Pittsburgh, have roots in the city and believe that for years to come that together, they can build a strong, healthy community.

The Pittsburgh Condors- now that was a team!
Oh Ian, you're so funny.
Myron Cope was a genius.
Kim, I was also at a place where I was the only one roooting for the Steelers. The 4th quarter was scary and sweet!
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