

What's important is all relative...

"Dear Barack Obama,

Something happened to me - I went out to lunch at Starbucks and I wanted to
buy a cup of whipped cream. And normally it's 43 cents but now it's 74
cents! The priced raised 31 cents for no reason! So you should probably try
to change things like that from happening. You should probably keep an eye
out for things like that.

I wish you good luck.

P.S. I love whipped cream.


Dear Joe Pino,

what's that on your shirt? No, really, I think you've got something on your shirt. If you would just look down on your shirt, you will surely see what I'm talking about.


Mister Fun

P.S. Mixed nuts?
Oh, God, here they go again.
seriously, there's something on your shirt, if you would only look at it. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHAT'S THAT ON YOUR SHIRT??!!!

Sorry, I'm calm now. Sorry about that. I don't know what came over me, but you should really look at your shirt. Seriously.
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