

As the year winds to a close....

...it may be time to reflect that while most of us are not large, bearded Kansasian violinists, we are all dust in the wind.

"All your money won't another minute buy..."

I love one of our classmate's comments on choosing this as Class Song: "Why did we EVER choose this song? It's a miracle we didn't all go out and kill ourselves." Amid all the cynicism and sarcasm, we haven't. That's a tribute to hope.

I for one am looking forward to '09.
Me too Nell.

Sherry and I were never a fan of that song.
If I ever organized a Renaissance faire, I'd for sure hire these guys for color and miscellaneous minstrelry.
What's your favorite: the Long John Baldry eyepatch or the receding hair mullets?
The eye patch. Hands down.
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